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Python file handling - reading

Go to the [[Python Week 4 Main Page]] or the [[Python - Main Page]] Also see the [[Programming Main Page]] or the [[Main AI Page]]

For code examples see [[Week4 Reading From Files Lab]]

See [[Python file handling - writing]]

The ‘open()’ function


File1 = open("/home/websinthe/Documents/code/example.txt", "r")

  • File1 <— File object
  • open <— function name
  • "/home/websinthe/…/example.txt" <— file path
  • "r" <— mode

Common modes include:

  • w <— write (writes from beginning of file)
  • r <— read
  • a <— append
  • r+ <— read/write (need to take care of line cursor placement)
  • x <— create file

You use the file object to gain information about the file. Think of it as pouring the contents of the file into a variable and using the variable’s methods to interact with the file’s data.

File1.name —> /home/websinthe/Documents/code/example.txt File1.mode —> r File1.close —> you always need to close the file, which is why you always use the with statement instead of just opening a file straight up.

The ‘with’ context manager


The with context manager ensures that the file being manipulated is closed after it is used without the code having to explicitly handle the file’s closure.

with open("/home/websinthe/Documents/code/example.txt", "r") as File1:
	file_contents = File1.read()

All operations within the indent block will be executed and then the file will be closed.

file_contents = File1.read() <— outputs the contents of the file to the variable file_contents = File1.readlines() <— outputs the lines of the file as elements of a list object to the variable file_contents = File1.readline() <— outputs the first line of the file to the variable, ==each subsequent time it is called, it will output the next line to the variable== file_contents = File1.readlines(4) <— outputs the first 4 characters of each line to the variable

A graphic of readlines(4) etc in action

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